Jeff Cooner Qualifies #3 in Pro Drag Radial...
ADRL introduced Pro Drag Radial for the first time in Richmond and Jeff Cooner/Randy Sharpston and the Crew at Pressurized Solutions made the long haul with their Outlaw Drag Radial Mustang. Jeff Qualified #3 with a 4.33@183.37 mph. Jeff spun the tires in Round 1 to make an early exit.
"We changed many things before this race and were just trying to get from A to B in qualifying with a soft tune up and went a career best. We are looking forward to the rest of the year"-Derek Fannin-Pressurized Solutions
"We have never been known (yet) for our Big Block Engine Program, but myself and they guys at the shop have worked hard on using our proven small block designs and incorporating those design principals into a Big Block program. Jeff's little 565 cid engine is our first effort, and from what I saw had great results at this race with a very mild tune up"Jon Bennett